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I'm using the pyrosm package in python and I read with it a bdf file for Bristol city. I want to filter and query all the shops and couple of amenities. However, every time I filter only for all shops I've 3,367 records. When I filter for all shops and some amenities, instead of having more records I have less (2,059). It seems in the data that I miss some of the shops. Below my code.

from pyrosm import OSM
osm_path ='bristol-latest.osm.pbf' # downloaded from geofabrik
osm = OSM(osm_path)
custom_filter = {"shop":True, "amenity":["bar", "cafe", "fast_food", "ice_cream", "pub", "cinema"]}
pois = osm.get_pois(custom_filter=custom_filter)

Any idea what's wrong please?

Thank you.

asked 19 Feb '21, 15:21

Katerina_Kourou's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Feb '21, 15:57

MarcoR's gravatar image


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question asked: 19 Feb '21, 15:21

question was seen: 2,536 times

last updated: 19 Feb '21, 15:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum