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Hello, I wanted to switch from google maps to OsmAnd. The problem is when I type anything in the search bar or when I try to use the navigation feature the app isn't finding any address so I decided to download my region for offline use. After that I was able to find streets and places. But my question is now if I can use OsmAnd in online mode like Google maps? Let's say I don't have a specific region downloaded. Does it mean I won't be able to start navigating or find that address even tho I am online? Is there a possibility to be able to search with the app like on the OpenStreetMaps website where its powered by nominatim? Is there a plug in for the app?

asked 18 Feb '21, 08:37

retset123's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

OsmAnd has a strong focus on offline usage, meaning that all basic functionality works without any Internet connection. Nevertheless, various online services are supported.

OsmAnd supports online routing. This feature has existed before, was then removed but came back in the recent 3.9 Android release. Online routing needs to be enabled in the profile settings: Settings -> <profile> -> Navigation settings -> Navigation type -> Add online routing engine. Here you can choose between GraphHopper, OSRM and OpenRouteService.

OsmAnd supports online searching. Go to search, choose categories, then online search. Unfortunately this won't find results that are too far away from your map position ( Meaning you have to pan the map roughly to the feature you are searching for (I think the search radius is 200 km).

OsmAnd supports online tiles. There is a plugin called Online maps. After enabling it, you can choose online tile servers via Configure map -> Map source. Note that these are really just images, they can't be used for routing and they can't be used for searching.

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answered 18 Feb '21, 10:24

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thank you for your fast answer and support! Now I understand the concept better. Greetings

(19 Feb '21, 23:13) retset123

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question asked: 18 Feb '21, 08:37

question was seen: 3,711 times

last updated: 20 Feb '21, 20:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum