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I am very new to this topic and maybe my question is a bit dumb. For a private Projekt I am looking for the possibility, to download the rivers and lakes from a bigger area (the alps). Until now, I alway tried to download the PDF and import the file in my CAD-Program. Unfortunately, this way is extremely laborious cause I have to download many small tiles and try to put them together afterwards. So is there the possibility to download a bigger area as a vectorized file, maybe where only the contours of the rivers and lakes are shown?

Thanks for your help!

asked 16 Feb '21, 12:50

Bast123's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

While Overpass lets you download specific features, downloading all water bodies for the whole Alps could be too taxing for the server (and you might run into timeouts). A failsafe process would be to download the "Alps" data file from and then

  • either use the osmium command line program to filter out the waterways from that (osmium tag-filter) and then export to a GIS data format with osmium export,
  • or use osm2pgsql to import the data into a PostGIS database from where you can then export shape files or CSV files as needed
  • or use ogr2ogr to convert the OSM data to some other GIS format, including DXF
permanent link

answered 16 Feb '21, 13:04

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Hello, thank you for your detailed reply. I think I unterstand your proposed method, but I'm a bit lost with the handling of the programs. Which programs (and sub-programs etc.) do I need to install for macOS, so I can use your way of solution?

(25 Feb '21, 12:54) Bast123

You might get by with installing just the osmium command line tool which claims to be available for macOS but you'll probably have to do some digging for a pre-compiled version - the instructions only link to building the package yourself and that might not be appropriate for your skill level.

(25 Feb '21, 13:05) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 16 Feb '21, 12:50

question was seen: 2,367 times

last updated: 25 Feb '21, 13:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum