hello first of all sorry i can not express right words for title my English not that good but hope you got idea what i m trying to say . there are most of the buildings in india. which has huge area of 1 and 2 floor then multiple different shape like tower over 2nd floor base from 3 to 8 example* and in roof small tank storage one case 2nd most common case where partial part of tower is connected to lower level building . other questions you how to shape slum buildings or buildings/house with common walls there lot place where it is very compact area sharing not only common wall but common floor level also so how to do that please guide with detail |
Where a building has different heights in different areas the most common solution is a tagging scheme called Simple 3D Buildings. This involves creating:
The area with the Multiple buildings or houses that share common walls: mappers usually draw these as separate buildings sharing nodes along the common wall, but I am not sure what you mean by "common floor level also" so I may have misinterpreted your description. Terraced houses usually have floors at the same heights, but are often mapped as separate buildings when mapped at the highest level of detail. thank you very much ye i meant terrace house few small queries in common wall case sharing along node creating overlap does it create error or warning?? is it fine doing overlap building ?? other question is there any shortcut(plugins) / fastest way to create terrace house ?? thanks
(17 Feb '21, 22:44)
If the two building share a all of the same nodes along the border then they will be considered touching but not overlapping. Truly overlapping building are generally discouraged unless one building really does overhang the other. The quickest way I know to create terraces from an outline way is JOSM's Terracer plugin, but it doesn't do well with complex outlines. The Buildings Tools plugin is also good for creating the initial outlines.
(18 Feb '21, 01:45)
reply someone if not detail its fine but tell
Can you post links to some pictures showing the situation? Then it may be easier to suggest a solution.