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Hola! Me gustaría que me ayudarán ya que tengo instalado la app de OsmAnd y desde hace unos meses me he fijado que han eliminado una frontera que separaba dos países (sin ningúna justificación legal) paises que aún están en un conflicto abierto. Me refiero al Sáhara Occidental y Marruecos, mi pregunta es, hay alguna manera de que yo pueda modificar esa frontera y que se vuelva a ver en el mapa del OsmAnd como dos país por separado? Hablé con el servicio técnico del dicha app y me comentaron que ellos usan maps creados en esta plataforma (OpenStreetMap) y que supuestamente se podría modificar. Y en mi ignorancia, no se hasta que punto me dijeron la verdad. Gracias!

asked 14 Feb '21, 13:41

HuseinSh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Feb '21, 07:52

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

I used Google translate to understand your question.

Western Sahara is not mapped as a country in OSM as far as I can see:

Please do not change this border, there have been plenty of discussions in the past, see

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This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 15 Feb '21, 05:54

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Hello! Thanks for the information provided friend, yes, I see that it has been a subject of much debate, since there are many interests involved. But I believe that the decision to put a border or not has to be made according to international laws, in this case, as Western Sahara is a territory yet to be decolonized, that is, it is still legally administered and under the responsibility of Spain. As a colonizing power of the territory, this is recognized by the UN, the African Union and the European court of justice, which reflects it in several sentences, especially in the fishing agreement with Morocco, where it excludes the waters of Western Sahara from the agreement. If we allow the areas to be modified according to the opinions of the users, the one with the most human and economic resources will always win (as is Morocco in this case) before legality and ethics of course.

(15 Feb '21, 11:19) HuseinSh

For completeness, describes how areas such as this are mapped in OSM.

(15 Feb '21, 11:27) SomeoneElse ♦

I've been reviewing it and I can't find any concrete justification for my question, thanks!

(17 Feb '21, 12:21) HuseinSh

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question asked: 14 Feb '21, 13:41

question was seen: 1,524 times

last updated: 17 Feb '21, 12:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum