I downloaded an OSM extract via Geofabrik and was expecting to find the nodes that form the ways (defining the shape or "path of the way) in the Points layer using QGIS. However, the points in this layer only define point features. I'm aware that I can look up individual nodes via http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/305293190 for example. But I was wondering whether there is an another way to identify the id's of nodes on ways in the OSM extract, preferably using QGIS. |
You can look at the file you downloaded to get that information. For instance with the "osmium show" command. You can use Osmium also to convert the PBF file you probably downloaded into other formats, for instance the XML format or the OPL format which are both text based so you can look at the data easily. There are many many other ways to get at that information, but it really depends on what you want to do with it, before we can recommend anything. Also: There are multiple ways to "load" the data into QGIS and you don't say which one you are using. |