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Made the mistake of fixing a typo on someone's CG surey:date which I changed to survey:date and then this morning I got told in the Neis report that I made a typo survey:date > surrey:date also showing in Osmose with a green bubble. No wiki, but surprisingly 77000 uses of this tag where survey:date has 800,000. I'd never used survey:date before in a changeset so it was quite a surprise to get a demerit. There's also an instance of surrey:AddrId, whatever that is, but anyway, either someone made an impacting coding error or got lost at the University of Surrey. Is it a bug and if so, where exactly to report?


asked 10 Feb '21, 13:33

SekeRob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This indeed looks like a typo, and possibly given the extent and location of usage, an import. As this is a 'meta' tag I would have just left it alone, unless changing the element.

It would be useful for this and the surrey:added tags to be documented on the wiki for future reference. Recent usage involves disabled parking spaces in Italy.

I would also ignore 'demerits' on the HYDC site as many are more based on specific opinions about how to map things than actual practice. For instance, iD complains about intersections of highways & waterways, when in practice it is often not possible to tell if there whether there is a ford, bridge, or culvert, and for the latter two this can be true even when driving.

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answered 10 Feb '21, 13:55

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

"It would be useful for this and the surrey:added tags to be documented on the wiki for future reference. Recent usage involves disabled parking spaces in Italy."

Someone else who fell for it, maybe meself in an absent moment. Little doubt the original entry was survey:date. Just for verification I'll revisit a CG of myself today, in Italy, add survey_date=2021-02-10 and see if the Neis report flags it. If it's regional... 'locale', it should not as per the suggestion below.

(10 Feb '21, 14:25) SekeRob

The data is in Surrey - in Canada. See for an example object. It does not look like a typo to me.

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answered 10 Feb '21, 14:07

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

If surrey:addr I could understand, albeit addr:province/state=Surrey would than be the more appropriate tagging IMhumbleO. But surrey:date is way beyond me. Someone had an fun moment and then it undetected to proliferate..

(10 Feb '21, 14:22) SekeRob

My guess is that someone fell victim to a typo or autocheck correction that changed surrey to survey, and "fixed" it with a full search-and-replace.

(10 Feb '21, 14:40) jmapb

Ah, I was fooled by the larger geographical footprint in Italy, and I hadn't checked over Surrey, despite this being my first theory. Still tags used ought to be documented here: (not clear that the buildings import has followed the process).

(10 Feb '21, 16:14) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 10 Feb '21, 13:33

question was seen: 1,392 times

last updated: 10 Feb '21, 16:14

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