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I' running the following query

nwr(poly:"52.450426 13.286183 52.458324 13.286183 52.458324 13.299744 52.450426 13.299744 52.450426 13.286183");
out body;
out skel qt;

and I just found that some features (only one example handy right now) are retrieved twice possibly even more.

The example in question:

{'type': 'way', 'id': 48590101, 'nodes': [2850024375, 3828309463, 3975571367, 3975571366, 5217921963, 3975568951, 617181077, 617181080, 2850024367, 3975568954, 3975571362, 2850024371, 3828309460, 2850024372, 3975571372, 2850024375], 'tags': {'area': 'yes', 'bench': 'yes', 'bin': 'yes', 'covered': 'partial', 'description': 'U Dahlem Dorf U3 Bahnsteig', 'layer': '-1', 'level': '-1', 'name': 'U Dahlem-Dorf', 'public_transport': 'platform', 'railway': 'platform', 'subway': 'yes', 'wheelchair': 'yes'}} {'type': 'way', 'id': 48590101, 'nodes': [2850024375, 3828309463, 3975571367, 3975571366, 5217921963, 3975568951, 617181077, 617181080, 2850024367, 3975568954, 3975571362, 2850024371, 3828309460, 2850024372, 3975571372, 2850024375]}

Even more curious that it is once retrieved with all tags and once without its tags. Anyone stumbled accross this before? Is my query maybe malformed?

asked 01 Feb '21, 12:20

Thagor's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Feb '21, 12:36

maxerickson's gravatar image


I am seeing something similar: My query searches for primary, secondary, and tertiary roads within a bounding box.

data=[out:json];( node["highway"="primary"]${bBox}; way["highway"="primary"]${bBox}; relation["highway"="primary"]${bBox}; node["highway"="secondary"]${bBox}; way["highway"="secondary"]${bBox}; relation["highway"="secondary"]${bBox}; node["highway"="tertiary"]${bBox}; way["highway"="tertiary"]${bBox}; relation["highway"="tertiary"]${bBox}; );out body;>;out skel qt;)

Though this has returned good data elsewhere, I am finding that when the bounding box is in Portugal (of all places), I am also getting multiple way records (for example) with the same id, but one record does not have tags

(09 Jan '22, 00:34) nickiemoto

I haven't investigated closely, but I expect the nwr statement is picking up the relations that is part of, along with the way. So out body; prints the way as part of the set returned by nwr and then out skel qt; prints the way as part of the set returned by recursing down from the relation.

permanent link

answered 01 Feb '21, 12:39

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

Yes that might be it I was under the impression that if a feature is part of out body; it would be omitted in skel qt;. Thanks.

(01 Feb '21, 14:06) Thagor

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question asked: 01 Feb '21, 12:20

question was seen: 1,472 times

last updated: 09 Jan '22, 00:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum