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I spotted this, looking at / for Bordesley Abbey ruins:

The information in that area is being obscured for some reason, as if something is displaying on top of the other items. A search for "Bordesley Abbey" will find the shape, and display it, but otherwise, it cannot be seen.

asked 30 Jan '21, 23:50

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Jim Killock
accept rate: 0%


Of the tags on , which ones are you expecting to appear at zoom level 15 on that map style? My guess is that none of them will be.

If you search for "ruins" you'll get 28 issue references such as , and no code.

The reason seems to be a discussion about how and why the tag is used.

Other maps will of course render this, so you can of course just use one of those.

(31 Jan '21, 00:56) SomeoneElse ♦

Hi @SomeoneElse, the whole of the map area is not rendering, such as building outlines, footpaths, etc, at any zoom level, not merely names. I can't insert graphics here, so I will add an answer to show you what I mean.

(31 Jan '21, 12:15) Jim Killock

Sorry, I answered too quickly. I'll look through the Github discussions and then see what the alternatives are.

(31 Jan '21, 12:25) Jim Killock

It's also perhaps worth mentioning that the Abbey isn't currently mapped in a very detailed way. Compare with e.g. .

Other maps that will show things such as this include and .

(31 Jan '21, 12:32) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 30 Jan '21, 23:50

question was seen: 646 times

last updated: 31 Jan '21, 12:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum