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I'm looking to overlay some of this Derbyshire Rights of Way data on top of OpenStreetMap to provide an online accessibility service for a not-for-profit initiative.

I'm experienced in web technologies but not mapping.

Is this feasible or am I looking at the wrong solution?


asked 28 Jan '21, 06:53

richardherbert's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

While it's not exactly what you've asked for, most of Derbyshire is actually pretty well covered in OSM when it comes to rights of way - there's no need to overlay council data in most places. map.atownsend, (disclaimer - I look after that site) renders what's in OSM.

If you do compare rights of way data in OSM with council data you will see some discrepancies - an example might be where the council data has a dog-leg in a path to go through a gate in a hedge that is no longer there, and there is no current signage to keep walkers to that "official" route.

Unforntunately it's not really clear from "online accessibility service for a not-for-profit initiative" what you're really interested in - "accessibility" might mean "gates vs stiles", and if that's the case the council data probably isn't going to help much whereas OSM will, especially the national park and towards Derby and in particularlar.

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answered 28 Jan '21, 15:00

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Also worth pointing out we don't map Rights of Way across fords in the Derwent which washed out in the 19th century, see

(28 Jan '21, 19:19) SK53 ♦

@SomeoneElse Thanks for that. I'm not sure your site gives me what I need.

I'm helping a group of volunteers record accessibility around their area and they've been collecting data which they want to attach to a map of the footpaths in the locality.

I'll share more once there's more data to display.

(29 Jan '21, 17:25) richardherbert

@richardherbert sorry if you realise already and I've misunderstood your needs but OSM is a database that can and does hold lots of accessibility related data that can be rendered and used for routing, even if that's not obvious from the 'standard' map on the homepage. Take a look at if you haven't already. We would also love more data to be added if that's what the volunteers want to do.

(29 Jan '21, 22:39) TrekClimbing

@richardherbert You dont say what accessibility information you are collecting.

OSM in Derbyshire currently has nearly 10,000 stiles and kissing gates mapped on OSM ( Stiles likely have information on type, material & number of steps. We can tag radar-key accessible kissing gates, but I assume such info is currently very limited. Footpath surfaces are probably also missing, but is information which can be collected on OSM.

(30 Jan '21, 10:21) SK53 ♦

@TrekClimbing I'm happy to take any comments or advice, thank you -- I'm totally new to the topic and the services available. I'll certainly be investigating now the accessibility data that already exists to see if it's applicable. I'll also encourage those collecting data to contribute back to OSM

@SK53 I believe the data being collected at this time is very basic, so it looks like they might be reinventing the wheel in ignorance of the good work that's already been done. Looking at that link of gates it's reporting a large dataset being returned. How would I restrict the data to only returned points within a district or parish?

(01 Feb '21, 14:23) richardherbert

Change the bit which says "Derbyshire" to the district name or parish name (which might need to be in form Castleton CP). Examples of each follow: (Derbyshire Dales) and Ashover

Note that I did not include gates because there are numerous gates not on rights of way, but these can be retrieved with a more complex query. I'm presuming that vast majority of stiles & kissing gates are on a PRoW

(01 Feb '21, 16:07) SK53 ♦

Another example that might help - will search in whatever area you are currently looking at. In there you can see a line for "stile" and a line for "kissing_gate"; if you want gates as well just add a line which has "gate" in it in the appropriate place.

(01 Feb '21, 16:20) SomeoneElse ♦
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

There are so many things to consider to answer this question. Firstly be aware of the Tile Usage Policy requirements.

For low usage you will probably be OK with using OSM as a background layer (with no guaranteed level of availability) and overlaying the rights of way as a separate layer. There are a number of ways of doing this but I'd probably use Leaflet (other options are available) and this website has already converted the Derbyshire data to geojson (and other formats) in case that helps speed things up. I've previously used Leaflet with a plugin to overlay gpx format data.

If you are going to be using a high level of usage or want a more guaranteed level of availability you could look at switch2osm to generate your own or use a third party who provides tiles.

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answered 28 Jan '21, 08:53

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thanks for the insight Ed, I appreciate I have a lot to learn on this topic.

I have found rowmaps and the Derbyshire example. I'm going to contact the owner to learn more about their solution. I'm only really interested in the area in and around a small town in the county.

I'll also follow up on those other links you've supplied and come back if I have more questions.

(28 Jan '21, 09:11) richardherbert

I have used umap for smaller sets of rights-of-way, but I think the geojson for Derbyshire as a whole is probably just too large. If you look at Robert Whittakers' Prow site, he has chosen to only upload geojson at the parish level. In fact there are several umaps of Derbyshire Footpaths created by, I assume, Chesterfield & North-east Derbyshire ramblers such as this one As I suspected it takes a long time to load. Perhaps splitting the data by District (use a tool like QGIS) would help. Alternatively, QGIS can be used to create a transparent tile layer (as mbtiles) which can be used with leaflet, but this is a raster format so not clickable.

(28 Jan '21, 14:07) SK53 ♦

This is Derbyshire Dales PRoW data (quite an old version from rowmaps) imported into a umap instance:

(28 Jan '21, 14:20) SK53 ♦

@SK53 Thanks for the pointer to Robert Whittakers' Prow site. Parish level data is exactly what I need.

I assume I can just take that data from his site and repurpose it for my needs, with attribution?

(29 Jan '21, 17:18) richardherbert

I would think his data is from rowmaps. Attribution is always a good idea, and in this case may help others with similar needs.

(30 Jan '21, 10:17) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 28 Jan '21, 06:53

question was seen: 1,451 times

last updated: 01 Feb '21, 16:20

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