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Hi List,

by chance I came across an empty cycling relation which I know it was full of members. Sadly, the user who removed all members also deleted his/her account, so I couldn't ask for explanations.

OSM relation history isn't particularly useful, since the information is 363 members in previous version #77 and no mention of members in latest #78. Deep history tool isn't useful either, since it reports only tags changes. Eventually, I've found useful Deep Diff tool, which reports the full history of members in's and out's.

How can I restore the relation to version #77?

I tried JOSM changeset reverter without success. Maybe I did something wrong, or there's something I cannot understand: I expected that reverting changeset where members were removed, should rebuild the members list, but reverter wasn't able to, returning only relation with zero members.

Since it is rather easy rewrite relation in a textual form, can I upload someway the below text instead? In case, are there some bad side effects?

relation 6798010
name:it=Mobilità ciclabile tra Italia e Slovenia
name:sl=Kolesarska mobilnost med Slovenijo in Italijo

wy 109568228
wy 107298107
wy 165283326

asked 21 Jan '21, 11:08

Cascafico's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

(21 Jan '21, 11:49) maxerickson

Not sure what to do if reverter has failed but for future reference you should be able to retrieve previous versions of objects following pattern for this question.

(21 Jan '21, 12:46) InsertUser

Thanks! I often use Level0. I tried to upload relation text, resulting in a very long list of warnings... I just had to scroll to the bottom line to see what was wrong: 2 ways not existing anymore. I removed them from the 363 member list and changeset was correctly stored :-)

(21 Jan '21, 12:55) Cascafico

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question asked: 21 Jan '21, 11:08

question was seen: 773 times

last updated: 21 Jan '21, 12:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum