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I was editing OSM through an executable desktop version of Potlatch today and suddenly was unable to access the main server. I tried opening OSM on all of my web browsers and could not access the site at all after that. I can access it via my mobile phone data and my account seems to still be active. I'm unsure as to what happened or if I violated any terms of usage set forward by OSM itself. If I did, I would like to apologize for that and I will stop using my desktop version of Potlatch. I was only doing so as OSM recently dropped the program and ID doesn't work nearly as well for me.

asked 19 Jan '21, 01:21

MatthewAndersonUS80's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


From what you're saying, I doubt that you have violated any terms of use - it's more likely to be a routing cockup between your PC and OSM.

(19 Jan '21, 01:30) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 19 Jan '21, 01:21

question was seen: 1,205 times

last updated: 19 Jan '21, 01:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum