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There are often old stone gateposts that remain standing without a gate or barrier. These are interesting and can be useful for navigation. They are also quite distinctive, having holes or notches for the old gate to attach to. Should they be historic=boundary_stone, or historic=archaeological_site, site_type=megalith, megalith_type=menhir, or something else?


image of standing stone gatepost

To me, boundary stone seems closest but I think of them as erected to stand alone and they are often marked with details of the boundary.

asked 08 Jan '21, 09:09

TrekClimbing's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I'd just go with man_made=gate_post, material=stone (19 uses).

It's a tag I've not used myself, but at some point I will stop refraining from mapping hideous horse's head gate post finials & then it's a very necessary one.

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answered 08 Jan '21, 12:50

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Or simply (~2k instances) plus other tags for the gate and stone? height= would be somewhat needed.

(08 Jan '21, 14:33) Kovoschiz

No not a pole in my understanding of English pole/post are not reliably synonymous.

(08 Jan '21, 19:43) SK53 ♦

What about barrier=gate with historic=ruins, material=stone. It is a copy of the building tags, but whats a gate, the elements of a gate have been build.

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answered 08 Jan '21, 12:16

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Should it still be barrier=gate? Although access=yes + locked=no on your historic=ruins would work.

(08 Jan '21, 14:29) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 08 Jan '21, 09:09

question was seen: 1,434 times

last updated: 08 Jan '21, 19:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum