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First of all, thank you for the release of the standalone Potlatch 3 program after the phasing out of the Flash based Potlatch 2.

However, when I start from the web based, Potlatch 3 cannot be found for Edit with Remote Control (JOSM, Potlatch, Merkatoor).

Also, the background SPW(allonie) imageries do not load.

asked 08 Jan '21, 07:23

gerdami's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

The assumption is (just as for all other desktop editors) that you have already started the app.

P3 specific issues should go to the P3 repository

permanent link

answered 08 Jan '21, 09:21

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Also worth noting that, in case you're using Safari, it doesn't currently support Remote Control (on any editor).

(08 Jan '21, 15:08) Richard ♦

Thank you all

(09 Jan '21, 06:59) gerdami

It works for me. I downloaded it from a link here when you run it you get a world map.One option is to zoom all the way in.. which isn't so convenient. A better solution is zoom into the map as we did with Potlatch2 then reduce this window to a half screen. Start Potlatch3 app and reduce that window to the other half of the screen. Go back to the zommed window and click on the Remote edit box. The Potlatch3 window will then be in edit mode, change it to full screen and it is just like using Potlatch2. See JPEG

alt text

permanent link

answered 08 Jan '21, 11:22

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 08 Jan '21, 13:36

Thanks, Andy.

(09 Jan '21, 06:59) gerdami

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question asked: 08 Jan '21, 07:23

question was seen: 1,143 times

last updated: 09 Jan '21, 06:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum