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Hi, i wanted to know if there is a way/ guide to connecting to two servers on josm, and for it to be interchangeable, right now id have to go to edit -> preference -> connection settings ; and retype all the details for when i need to change to which ever server.alt text

is there a way to put the other server with its details in the [OSM server URL drop down menu] or something similar so it is interchangeable. hard to describe what I'm trying to do.. any help will be appreciated.

asked 05 Jan '21, 15:30

shafi-as's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You can run JOSM with a second profile directory:

I have 2 shortcuts setup, one to my main account and another to a secondary account. To use the secondary account I just click that shortcut.

A downside is that you'll have to configure plugins and such for each profile.

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answered 05 Jan '21, 23:42

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

The OHM/beginner page suggests this can be done from the command line, is that how you made your shortcuts?

(06 Jan '21, 01:18) InsertUser

It's platform dependent. I've created .desktop files in .local/share/applications/ on a Linux system (the command goes on the Exec line, see ). On Windows, the command line in a shortcut could be edited to point to the additional profile(s). I don't know how OS X works.

Shell aliases are another way to do it. Creating the .desktop files adds them to compatible launchers.

(06 Jan '21, 02:13) maxerickson

is there any more information on this, "On Windows, the command line in a shortcut could be edited to point to the additional profile(s)" im also trying to do this on a window's platform

(06 Jan '21, 10:16) shafi-as

I don't know how JOSM installs on Windows. If there is a shortcut in the start menu, you can locate and duplicate that, and then edit it to point to a new profile directory. There's lots of general information about working with the shortcuts, for example

And then shows the dialog. You'd want to adjust the target line to point to the second profile.

(06 Jan '21, 21:52) maxerickson

If you turn on "Expert Mode" you will get an additional entry "Advanced Preferences".

You can save and load preferences from a file on that page so I suspect you should be able to simply create a preferences file for each of the APIs and load that.

No guarantees that this actually works.

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answered 05 Jan '21, 20:32

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 05 Jan '21, 15:30

question was seen: 1,273 times

last updated: 06 Jan '21, 21:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum