How would you tag a shop that sells various sauna equipment? Shop in question sells stoves, building materials, doors, small accessories and also provides builders/consultations. I found shop=swimming_pool which according to wiki: " A store that sells swimming pool equipment and supplies. Might also sell different types of pools, saunas or hot tubs as well as provide installation and maintenance. " Seems to fit the most from what I could find but this place does not deal in pools at all from what I can see so maybe there is a better tag? |
You can use tags that aren't in the wiki, there's just no guarantee anyone will know what you mean. As |
In addition are 15 items tagged shop=sauna, 3 shop=hottub and 8 shop=hot_tub. See for more. I think the key thing is if such specialist shops are relatively common (say one per town) in your area they probably merit a separate tag.
Saw shop=sauna, but it had almost no use (most hits seem to be in Germany according to overpass - and it did not have wiki so disregarded that tag. Perhaps I should still use it? Till now I only used tags that had wiki entry because that seemed more "official". I don't think such shops are common, after a quick search I could find only 2 more in capital city.
@Qeris You also need to check the usage. Some may be mistakened for
. I found 1 instance. Examples including=brewing_supplies
, and=fashion_accessories
exist to disambiguate, or avoid conflict with another value. There are also untidied values of,hot_tub,_sauna_store and,_bubbelbaden&_sauna's.