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The closest found was access:hazmat (only 15x in TagInfo), and was thinking of access:gpl=no and access:lpg=no, which few days ago was first time observed at a new supermarket's 'in-building' access route to roof and underground parking. Saw today a sign at a condominium's underground parking which in the UK is coded UK:622.8 "no vehicles carrying explosives".

Any pointers appreciated, all the more now the attention is peaked, had noticed a no-hazmat truck sign before a long tunnel like this maybe hazmat:gpl and hazmat:lpg are the better combinations.

asked 31 Dec '20, 14:35

SekeRob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Dec '20, 14:46

Are you asking about a vehicle transporting LPG, or powered by LPG? Dangerous good legal restrictions usually excludes fuel for a vehicle itself.

(01 Jan '21, 14:45) Kovoschiz

Pertaines purely to vehicles with an LPG/GPL installation. The signs are there because the law does not register with too many, thusly tag according.

(01 Jan '21, 20:12) SekeRob

Definitely not hazmat=no. That only applies to the cargo.

A similar question on the tagging mailing list in 2017 yielded no usable answer unfortunately.

(01 Jan '21, 20:30) TZorn

I'll go ahead and tag it with vehicle:gpl=no and see what the cavalry makes of it. Taginfo has 40 such entries, not popular, but better than introducing a fabrication.

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answered 01 Jan '21, 20:39

SekeRob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 31 Dec '20, 14:35

question was seen: 1,503 times

last updated: 01 Jan '21, 20:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum