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I've noticed that Wikidata names are not always available on OSM, checking nodes, there is at least a time lag in updating. Does anyone know how often the data is synced?

asked 30 Dec '20, 19:16

Jim%20Killock's gravatar image

Jim Killock
accept rate: 0%

There's no automatic syncing. I think there's probably not a whole lot of syncing at all, maybe the occasional difference is noticed and addressed.

I believe Mapbox uses Wikidata place information together with OSM data, but that happens outside of OpenStreetMap.

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answered 30 Dec '20, 19:37

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

Is it worth raising a ticket about this? where might I do that?

I think you are right about Mapbox, the wikidata there seems somewhat more up to date.

(30 Dec '20, 19:52) Jim Killock

I don't think you can assume that the broader OSM community considers Wikidata the canonical source for the information. You could try starting a discussion about it somewhere (but I doubt it would lead anywhere).

There's not really any place you could raise a ticket for it. There's a github repo for the default tiles, but I'm sure that there's no interest there in overriding OSM with Wikidata.

(30 Dec '20, 20:27) maxerickson

@maxerickson Sure, but there clearly is / has been bulk linkage or import? In which case there is a case for checking for additional or missing information from time to time?

(30 Dec '20, 21:04) Jim Killock

Is it worth raising a ticket about this? where might I do that?

I think you are right about Mapbox, the wikidata there seems somewhat more up to date.

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answered 30 Dec '20, 19:52

Jim%20Killock's gravatar image

Jim Killock
accept rate: 0%


OSM is a separate database from Wikidata and there is no automatic copying over of names (even though some people would sometimes use Wikidata to determine other names for a place and add them to OSM but that is not a concerted effort). OSM strives to be authoritative so we prefer people who actually know something adding that, rather than people copying over stuff from Wikidata that they cannot vouch for. OSM's data acquisition process does not have an issue tracker where you could raise an issue; the closest would probably be one of our mailing lists. But you're unlikely to find traction for copying Wikidata names into OSM. Something that would be more likely to succeed would be an effort to use Wikidata names, instead of OSM names, for multilingual map rendering. But that would then be an issue to tackle on the "turning OSM data into a map" side, not on the core OSM side.

(30 Dec '20, 21:20) Frederik Ramm ♦

OK, fair enough I have misunderstood the nature of this from the tagging etc. Given the amount of data copied across I am surprised it hasn't been done by machine but fair enough.

(30 Dec '20, 22:21) Jim Killock

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question asked: 30 Dec '20, 19:16

question was seen: 1,179 times

last updated: 30 Dec '20, 22:21

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