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I've been using JOSM on a Windows machine and, for about 2 years, occasionally on a newer machine running KDE on Arch Linux. I use them both for mapping, and just generally for reviewing my GPS track logs on top of various TMS maps, using the opacity slider to dim the map and have the tracks stand out more. This is all working fine.

Now, on a second machine also running KDE on Arch, the map background in JOSM (with all settings at default) appears white instead of black, which means the opacity slider fades the map to white, and my track logs are really hard to see. All of the relevant background color settings in JOSM are #000000 already.

Before I file a JOSM bug: does anyone have a suggestion where else the stubborn white background might be coming from?

asked 28 Dec '20, 11:16

dawidi's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

From some settings in KDE?

(01 Jan '21, 12:56) ghia

Do you have a background activated that serves white tiles for 'no data'?

(01 Jan '21, 20:55) maxerickson

When you start JOSM by downloading a piece of the map, then you have only one data layer. When colour scheme is set to default, the background should be black, also when you click on the eye in front of the layer name to make it invisible. I don't know how in KDE, but I assume it is like MS Windows and you can set a profile / theme for your desktop and choose the colours for sliders, buttons, window edges, etc and also the window background colour.

(02 Jan '21, 20:12) ghia

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question asked: 28 Dec '20, 11:16

question was seen: 910 times

last updated: 02 Jan '21, 20:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum