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I encountered this isolated house/building. A village to the south is about 300 meters from the building. Can this building qualify to be tagged as a [place=isolated_dwelling]? My understanding is that the building is "not very isolated" from the village and therefore should not be tagged with isolated_dwelling. Any insights and/or recommendations please?

asked 26 Dec '20, 04:36

JAT86's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Dec '20, 04:38

Actually - the isolated dwelling tag is used for named places that are smaller than a hamlet - no more than a few buildings really. If it doesn't have its own place name, just use building=yes on a node, or (much) better yet, draw the building as a polygon with building=yes.
In short, place=isolated dwelling will never render without a placename, and will in fact be classified as an error/issue without one!

permanent link

answered 26 Dec '20, 05:16

GregRetro's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 26 Dec '20, 07:57


I agree with the first part. I wouldn't go so far to call an isolated dwelling without a name an error, though. Granted, it will probably not be rendered on most maps but the sole tag place=isolated_dwelling still holds some information that might be valuable to someone. There could also other tags like ele or population be added for dwellings without a name.

(27 Dec '20, 17:32) TZorn

To clarify, Osmose will generate an "issue".

(28 Dec '20, 22:08) GregRetro

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question asked: 26 Dec '20, 04:36

question was seen: 1,312 times

last updated: 28 Dec '20, 22:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum