I'm new to osm queries and I explore it using overpass turbo so I'm trying that gets a specific way with a predefine id the code looks like this if anyone would like to test
when I did explore the XML file in the data view I saw that this way contain all of these nodes that make the way < way id="5703091"> < nd ref="42839143"/> < nd ref="8219742075"/> < nd ref="42807002"/> < nd ref="42839146"/> < nd ref="42839155"/> < nd ref="42839161"/> < nd ref="42839168"/> < nd ref="2875111804"/> < nd ref="42839172"/> so is there a way to show these nodes in the map view without assign each one individually with the query i try to use node(5703091); but office didn't work since it is a way |
Hi Recurse: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Overpass_QL#Recurse_.28n.2C_w.2C_r.2C_bn.2C_bw.2C_br.29
Will display the nodes. What's strange is this routine should display all the nodes & way, but only loads the start & end ones:
thank you so much
(20 Dec '20, 23:07)