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I haven't found these keywords used in the wiki when searching google and OSM.

Here is an example:

On this way, the northbound and southbound lanes are separated by delineator posts similar to the ones seen here (

The effect of this is that southbound traffic cannot turn left into the safeway parking lot at either of the three little entrances and instead must turn left at the light to get to the parking lot.

For a while now has been telling folks to turn there where the posts are. This is partially due to the parking lot not being mapped (fixed that) but also it should not suggest a left turn when heading south until the stoplight. Since I just added the parking lot yesterday I'm not sure how the routing engines will handle it yet but I don't think they will have enough info right now.

I am thinking that it makes sense to use the key:turn and say that the lane next to the barriers is "through" until it gets to the next way and then set it to be a left turn only. However, that isn't an accurate description because it is a left turn only lane but you just can't turn left until the intersection.

Any tips or examples on how to handle this?

asked 20 Dec '20, 05:55

ray331's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The delineators are a type of physical barrier, so it is appropriate to split the street into dual carriageways. It is also valid to use turn restrictions but the result can be more complicated to maintain.

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answered 20 Dec '20, 13:17

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

Technically, non-permanent barriers (unlike land or fixed concrete walls) aren't considered "dual carriageway". This is akin to putting delineators on double solid white lines of a "single carriageway". Splitting any phyiscal barrier is an OSM practice.

(21 Dec '20, 06:25) Kovoschiz

In our area, the delineators are installed to address traffic issues and remain until a permanent curb median can be installed, possibly a year or 2 later.

(21 Dec '20, 12:59) Mike N

Pedestrians can still cross the street there, so I wouldn't re-model the street into a dual carriage way. Instead you should introduce turn restrictions. In the iD editor you can set restrictions by clicking on the intersection node and then applying the appropriate restrictions in the intersection schematics in the left hand panel.

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answered 21 Dec '20, 09:06

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Is it possible to do turn restrictions for just certain lanes?

(23 Dec '20, 00:46) ray331

There is some old proposal in the Wiki (I'd have to look for it) that tried to do something like that if I remember correctly.

But why would you think that is necessary? Southbound on Ho'okele you are not allowed to turn left into the parking lot regardless on what lane you are. Coming from the parking lot you are only allowed to turn right. The fact that you are not allowed to turn into the far lane is not really necessary for routing engines and needs to be observed by the driver. But there is also a tagging scheme for lane change restrictions which you could use on the short stretches where the traffic from the marking lot eters Ho'okele.

(23 Dec '20, 21:15) TZorn

Hi did you consider to use barrier=kerb, material composite ? Extra are the bollards on top. That could be caught with barrier=bollard (in line) flexible=yes.

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answered 21 Dec '20, 13:45

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 20 Dec '20, 05:55

question was seen: 1,560 times

last updated: 23 Dec '20, 21:15

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