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I tried searching for this and wasn't having much luck finding answers here or examples elsewhere.

How do we handle "merge lanes" where a lane is ending so you much merge over?

Here is an example on little road going north bound at fivay:

asked 17 Dec '20, 08:52

ray331's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It turns out I want to use turn:lanes = merge_to_right for my use case.

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answered 17 Dec '20, 08:59

ray331's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You need to tag all the lanes individually. For your three lane one-way road it would be turn:lanes=merge_to_right|none|none or shorter turn:lanes=merge_to_right||. But I see you have done it already in that way.

(18 Dec '20, 10:10) TZorn

To be clear, you should use turn:lanes=merge_to_right|none|none.

If the lane configuration is complicated, further consider

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answered 18 Dec '20, 04:56

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 21 Dec '20, 06:31


Not at all. We count the lanes from left to right. So it needs to be turn:lanes=merge_to_right|none|none.

(18 Dec '20, 10:09) TZorn

@TZorn Typo at the wrong side. Obviously =merge_to_right on the rightmost doesn't make sense.

(21 Dec '20, 06:30) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 17 Dec '20, 08:52

question was seen: 1,385 times

last updated: 21 Dec '20, 06:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum