Hi there, I'm planning to create my own tile server to allow customize style and also allow me to get the vector tiles instead of raster tiles. But my budget is limited, so I want to know the minimum hardware requirement of vector tiles server. I read some Q&A like this, but all about raster tiles, not vector tiles. If I understand right, the vector tiles server will lighter than raster because it can serve the vector directly to client without render (https://github.com/osm2vectortiles/osm2vectortiles/issues/457), then client can use Leaflet of OpenLayer to style and display them. So below are jobs that I think my server will do:
With above jobs, please help to let me know the minimum hardware requirement. Thank you so much! Additional, I researched two days and it seems that all the free tile servers only served raster tiles (http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/). That is why I must create a tile server myself with a limited budget:sad: |
Not really an answer to your question but regarding your last line I believe Mapbox has vector tiles and a free tier.
Thanks, I considered Mapbox before, but some people say that Mapbox has a rate limit for maximum tiles each user can download (for offline usage). https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37781166/ios-mapbox-map-offline-price. is it right?
I also curious about how they calculate "Active User Monthly", what they say on the pricing page makes me a bit confused. Maybe I should contact them about this question. Anyway, thanks for your help