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How should I find house numbers?

asked 15 Dec '20, 17:27

inquisitive's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Jan '23, 19:56

I think there have been discussions on the Talk-GB mailing list about some of the older out of copyright OS maps containing housenumbers, with varying degrees of accuracy.

Personally, I find StreetComplete to be the best way to capture building numbers on foot if the buildings have already been traced.

Photo mapping can also be quite effective for "driveby" surveys if you use a service like Mapillary or tie timestamped photos back to a separate GPS trace after the fact. JOSM's is quite good for this.

For one-offs on the go, OsmAnd isn't bad, but can only add addresses as nodes if the building doesn't have anything to make it stand out as a POI.

If you want to go full on "high viz and clipboard" I think Field Papers is still a thing too.

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answered 15 Dec '20, 21:51

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

edited 15 Dec '20, 21:56

There is an old, out of copyright OS map available as a TMS (can be added to JOSM or iD) from the National Library of Scotland (NLS). It has housenumbers on it for houses present in the 1940s/50s for London and a lot of the south east. It is completely accurate in my part of east London.

But it is NOT available for OSM use until the end of 2022, which is a pity. But check back in two years!

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answered 16 Dec '20, 17:27

spiregrain's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Dec '20, 17:29

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question asked: 15 Dec '20, 17:27

question was seen: 12,964 times

last updated: 17 Jan '23, 19:56

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