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Hi all, I noticed an Osmose Issue: "Non power node on power way" with the Description: "Power lines can only form a straight line between supports and therefore shouldn't have additional nodes that aren't tagged as a power feature." However, in this case a line branches off in mid-air without any support. Is anyone aware of how to tag this? Or should I just get rid of the error? Thanks

asked 13 Dec '20, 22:21

Hikerandy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Just ignore it or classify it as a false positive.

More general: all QA tools just indicate that something -might- be wrong and should never, ever be taken as gospel. Luckily you showed exactly the right level of scepticism.

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answered 14 Dec '20, 08:32

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%


Not quite, select the node between the two poles and delete it... done many to include erroneous links to houses and roads and whatnot. Powerlines really should not be connected to anything but other power objects.

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answered 14 Dec '20, 12:01

SekeRob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please actually read the question and realize that your answer is wrong, it is a, likely rare, case of an unsupported mid-air branch off.

(14 Dec '20, 12:38) SimonPoole ♦

Indeed, the branch-off goes to a street lamp. I see quite a few of them here in the city, including some that go to houses - that's how they get their electricity or (if they have solar panels) supply electricity back to the grid. - And thanks for your answers!

(14 Dec '20, 13:11) Hikerandy

Mea maxima culpa.

(14 Dec '20, 14:26) SekeRob

No sweat; we're all learning from this, right?

(14 Dec '20, 18:37) Hikerandy

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question asked: 13 Dec '20, 22:21

question was seen: 1,021 times

last updated: 14 Dec '20, 18:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum