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So, I recently updated a church in my village, replacing a point marker for the church with a Religious Area multipoly. However, it seems to have the map less obvious/clear in terms of showing the church. Have I done something wrong?

asked 11 Dec '20, 08:55

John%20Beranek's gravatar image

John Beranek
accept rate: 0%

Hi John,

you are missing the amenity=place_of_worship key. Add it either to the church building or the area as your feel appropriate.

I also noticed you have created the grave yard as multipolygon (relation) composed of three outer lines. Not sure you did that by intention or if the editor messed things up. There isn't really a need for doing it that way. If you are familiar enough with editing of relations please simplify the grave yard to a simple closed line.

permanent link

answered 11 Dec '20, 10:51

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thank you, I think that looks better now. I've attempted to improve the graveyard object too.

(11 Dec '20, 13:49) John Beranek

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question asked: 11 Dec '20, 08:55

question was seen: 1,035 times

last updated: 11 Dec '20, 13:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum