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I have tried for 3 months to get my map to reflect my correct address on FB. The address is typed correctly but the red dot is not in the right location. Not even close. Its reflecting my home address. I have tried to drag the dot but it gives me an error message.

I contacted facebook support but they sent me to to get help saying its not on their end.

Anyone know how to fix this?

asked 10 Dec '20, 01:43

karen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

A never ending story with Facebook support sending people over here.

Please check if your business is correctly located on the OSM main map. If not than you can either change it yourself (by using the "edit" mode on the page) or ask someone to do it for you (by raising a new comment on that page (icon with a text bubbly and plus sign on the right hand side). That might take a while until some volunteer takes care of it, though). If that is correct, there is nothing more OSM can do.

Anyway, we have cause to believe that Facebook is not using OSM data alone. So it might still be worthwhile contacting them again and insisting data is already correct in OSM.

permanent link

answered 10 Dec '20, 10:45

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

I did the edit and added my location to the map. How long does it take to update with facebook if that was the issue?

(10 Dec '20, 13:30) karen

I don't think that you can assume that Facebook will ever incorporate your OSM correction into their bad data.

As a bit of context, I'm from OSM's Data Working Group and we've had this sort of discussion with people from Facebook and other sites that Facebook own on a number of occasions.

It would appear that Facebook's "places" data comes from a large number of different sources, and what you see on your device is tailored to you.

You say that "they sent me to to get help saying its not on their end". If you'd like to raise this with the DWG then please mail us at with details of what Facebook actually said to you and who it was that actually said that.

When we've raised issues with Facebook in the past it has proved extremely difficult to acheive any actual resolution. This doesn't necessarily mean that the people that we're dealing with are not being honest in their dealings with with us; far more likely is that making change happen in a large lumbering organisation such as Facebook is actually very difficult. However, we're willing to keep trying, so please email us if you'd like us to try and help.

(10 Dec '20, 13:47) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 10 Dec '20, 01:43

question was seen: 3,157 times

last updated: 10 Dec '20, 13:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum