Hello everyone Since a few hours I get this error in the reverse geolocation service I think I made too many unwanted queries and I'm getting 403 errors now. I just specified a User agent and I added my email, it didn't solve the problem, so I think it's an IP block. I'm well aware that a limit is quite normal and I intend to fix the problem to prevent it from happening again. Is there a delay to be allowed to use the API again, or does it require a manual operation? Thank you in advance! asked 08 Dec '20, 22:52 Legacy18 |
@TS-Media: you are not adhering the nominatim usage policy. @Legacy18: an IP block normally will lift automatically after some time if you follow the nominatim usage policy. If not, than you behaved so badly in using the free service that you may got blocked manually forever. answered 11 Dec '20, 06:41 Spiekerooger |
Hi, same problem here the last days.
get_headers(https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=json&q=Hemsterhuisstraat,+2513RA+%27s-Gravenhage): failed to open stream: Connection refused