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The city of Vienna has a program that aims to provide cargo bikes for free use in as many areas of the city as possible. These are usually stationed at some shop, and as far as I have seen so far, there is only one available per location.

I'm wondering how to tag these locations. I found service:bicycle:rental=yes, but I'm missing some bits and pieces:

  • How do I mark that these are cargo bikes?

edit: I saw on taginfo that tags like service:bicycle:rental:mtb are used sometimes, so I figure I could use service:bicycle:rental:cargo=yes?

edit2: or service:bicycle:rental:type=cargo, looks neater to me.

  • That there is only one available at a location?
  • That they are part of the Grätzlrad program?

edit: I found service:bicycle:rental:operator, so maybe service:bicycle:rental:operator=Grätzlrad?

  • Each location has an info page (like this) where the bike can be booked, too. Ideally I'd like to link to it.

asked 03 Dec '20, 12:09

zoosh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Dec '20, 12:33

Based on what is described in the wiki I would suggest:

name=Wiener Börse
operator=Die Wiener Börse

The service key should be used to qualify other objects (e.g. bicycle shops) that also rent bicycles. You could use that if you wanted to add the service to the operator (e.g. Wiener Börse) directly.

I also struggle a bit how to indicate that there is a cargo bike only. I would probably go for something like
added as a subkey of amenity=bicycle_rental. Deeper discussion on this topic should probably taken to the Tagging mailing list.

permanent link

answered 03 Dec '20, 13:17

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 03 Dec '20, 13:48

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question asked: 03 Dec '20, 12:09

question was seen: 1,363 times

last updated: 03 Dec '20, 13:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum