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First off all sorry for my bad english and I am a non coding personn, i just want to try (if it's simple) to fix a problem.

We use since one year OSM to display a MAP in a website. It works very well since few days (or weeks??).

I display the MAP of the FRANCE with using REACT and now I have several 403 error. I use in my code the following URL


Is it enough for you to helping me?

Thank you very much.


asked 30 Nov '20, 14:12

LidyG's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Have you tried contacting the site owner, ? That site isn't anything t do with OSM.

For info, does work for me, from a regular BT home broadband connection in the UK.

(30 Nov '20, 14:24) SomeoneElse ♦

The 0/0/0.png link doesn't work for me. I get "Error: 403, Forbidden: Map tiles are restricted to Wikimedia & affiliated sites only. Please post on if you believe your usage supports the Movement. at Mon, 30 Nov 2020 14:27:29 GMT"

(30 Nov '20, 14:28) EdLoach ♦

I now get, from the same home broadband connection as before:

"Our servers are currently under maintenance or experiencing a technical problem. Please try again in a few minutes. See the error message at the bottom of this page for more information."

(30 Nov '20, 14:34) SomeoneElse ♦

Thank you all for your answer. I will post on it!

(30 Nov '20, 14:34) LidyG

Wikimedia stopped allowing third-party websites like yours to use the map tiles they provide at That's why you get a 403 error.

So either use the tiles while respecting the OSM tile usage polices (SomeoneElse posted the link already) or look out for a tile provider here:

permanent link

answered 30 Nov '20, 18:05

Spiekerooger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 30 Nov '20, 18:05

Thank you for your answer...

And can I use OSM at the place of it?


Thank you,

permanent link

answered 30 Nov '20, 14:28

LidyG's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

For completeness, OSM's Tile Usage Policy is at . Whether you can use OSM tiles in place of wikimedia ones depends on what you were trying to use wikimedia's tiles for, and how you were using them.

(30 Nov '20, 14:37) SomeoneElse ♦

I just need to display a map in link with my data which make bubble bigger when the number is big. As exemple: if i have a big gross sales. Make a big bubble.

today i just have bubbles with no map behind.

(30 Nov '20, 14:52) LidyG

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question asked: 30 Nov '20, 14:12

question was seen: 3,224 times

last updated: 30 Nov '20, 18:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum