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I want to link to Axelor ERP and Open Street Map is one of the options offered It then want either OSRM or your navigation Any suggestions please

asked 26 Nov '20, 16:59

Bill%20Wilson%20FBCS's gravatar image

Bill Wilson ...
accept rate: 0%

Can you add more detail about exactly it is that you're trying to do? Do you want a page created within Axelor ERP to display information from within OpenStreetMap (perhaps a map, or something else)?

Do you want something within Axelor ERP to interact with some services that use OSM Data? You mention two names for routing software (OSRM and Your Navigation) but don't mention which actual services you want to use.

Depending on which actual service you want to use, you'll need to check the usage policy for it. As an example, for OSM's "standard" tiles, that would be , but it's not yet clear what it is that you actually want to do.

(26 Nov '20, 17:42) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 26 Nov '20, 16:59

question was seen: 575 times

last updated: 26 Nov '20, 17:42

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