Hi! I need to export all roads in the netherlands together with their maxspeed. I exported the osm.pbf file through geofabrik.de and imported this in postgresql with osm2psql. However, this data does not contain the maxspeed attribute, is there a method to extract all roads together with their maxspeed value for a particular country? Thanks! asked 26 Nov '20, 13:37 faster043 |
Your approach is good. You need to modify osm2pgsql's ".style" file to include a maxspeed column (maxspeed is not required for rendering hence is not part of the default schema) or alternatively use the (If you're modifying the .style file, you can also throw away anything not related to roads - that will speed up your import and waste less space.) answered 26 Nov '20, 14:29 Frederik Ramm ♦ Thanks! Hstore did it for me
(26 Nov '20, 15:17)