Change set The Wiki seems clear, a=canto novo eastbound defined as from, the n=crossing is defined as via, b=delle rocce, north east is set as the forbidden 'to'. The routes from canto novo to angelucci and pini are allowed. Wiki reference to the prohibited restriction At a loss. |
That relation is pretty useless since Via Vergini delle Rocce is a oneway and motor_vehicle are prohibited to go in the wrong way, so you could delete that restriction (well even the other restrictions, since restriction 11901357, 11898137, 11889761 and 11889760 are restriction that prevent something that's already implied by the oneway tag). Yes thanks, I know all about these 'taken for granted' and all. I'd like to know what's wrong with the restriction as it was mapped up, getting the complaint 'Restriction relation, bad oneway direction on "from" or "to" member'.
(26 Nov '20, 12:02)
I think the issue is because the "to" element is a oneway that can't be taken in the wrong direction.
(26 Nov '20, 12:44)
The wiki literally says "For the prohibitory restriction type the way where one is not allowed to go to is set." I've been mapping trying to avoid the 'no' restrictive type, if it can be expressed in one that is allowed, but then if you do that and there's 2 ways forward like in this case, you can't express that in a single from>via>to whilst the traffic sign in this case shows straight and right allowed. If only these restrictive t.signs could be mapped, you can, but then the complaint arises of a restriction not being allowed on a isolated node. There's a lot of 'why even bother' to include any traffic sign since apparently there's a program underway that reads traffic signs from imagery. Yet again today stumbled on an incorrectly mapped street where in fact the first 50 meters is not 1 way, else the destination traffic could never reach their one way street which is residents only. The navigation programs must have been balking, but that's OT... the classic 'can't calculate a route'.
(26 Nov '20, 13:21)
I see your point. But, since there's an oncoming oneway there's really no need to add a turn restriction, since every router will avoid taking that road in the wrong direction.
(26 Nov '20, 13:39)