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in bicycle map, there are height lines. there were heights written with digits, but now i do not see them. how to know that heights out?

asked 25 Nov '20, 10:47

qdinar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Nov '20, 12:45

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦


I still see digits on the 50m lines. Could you point to a map area where they are missing?

(25 Nov '20, 12:31) TZorn

It is very standard, at least for topographic maps in my area to have every 5th contour a bit wider and have the elevation on it. This map, though not of an area I am familiar with, follows that convention. In my area, the wider contours with numbers are called "index contours". I don't know if that is a universal term or not.

If you zoom in some more you will see numbers on the darker/wider "index contours" the are 50 meters apart. The thinner contours, without numbers, are then 10 meters apart.

(26 Nov '20, 22:23) n76

Using a Win10 PC i can see them as i zoom in for a half a second but then they are revert to being too small to see.

(27 Nov '20, 08:52) andy mackey

@stf, yes, i see at zoom level 15: . but 100 and 200 are shown, but 150 is not. if to move to other place there is only one thick line and it has not visible height, in visible area of map.

(27 Nov '20, 20:12) qdinar

The labels are shown only depending on the zoom factor. On cycle map the 100m space lines are labled from zoom level 15 onwards while the 50m space lines are only visible from zoom level 16 onwards.

There are other maps out there showing contour lines. Maybe they are more to your liking. Try for example OpenTopoMap or browse the maps listed on the wiki.

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answered 29 Nov '20, 20:20

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 25 Nov '20, 10:47

question was seen: 1,331 times

last updated: 29 Nov '20, 20:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum