Hi, i'm new here. i would like to know why i can't see the modification i've done, such as adding a park and adding a river area. After saving succesfully, i go to OpenStreetMap.org but i can't see what i've modified unless i zoom in the specific area (but sometimes i can't see it even if i zoom). Please, help me to solve this problem. |
The tiles (single part of the map rendered as images) on OpenStreetMap are refreshed at different rate depending on the zoom level (i.e. zoom 18 might take 1 day to show the "new" data, while zoom 11 might take longer), but your edits are already saved in the database. If you want to be sure, right click where you made the edits and click on "Query features" (if you don't have the website in english, it's the penultimate option in the right-click-menu). See also the page on wiki Slippy Map#OpenStreetMap "Standard" tile server 1
sono italiano, quello che devo schiacciare sulla mappa con tasto destro è "ricerca di elementi" vero?
(23 Nov '20, 13:23)
Sì, è quello. Ah, visto che ci siamo, se hai telegram, c'è un gruppo dedicato agli utenti OSM italiani https://t.me/OpenStreetMapItalia
(23 Nov '20, 13:24)
grazie mille, allora aspetterò qualche giorno e poi vediamo se compaiono.
(23 Nov '20, 13:31)
A hard refresh in your browser will do it. This is typically done using Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + R. This clears the tiles stored in the browser's cache and redownloads them from the webserver, now containing your changes. This is necessary for each zoom level you want to view the changes from, as zooming modifies the webpage URL and so relates to a different part of the cache. Querying features around your changes as Mannivu suggested above is very helpful too, particularly when you've changed map data that makes no visual change. |