Hi there, I've been editing some forest areas in eastern China for some time. But it seems the changes are still not visible on the map of levels less than 13. It's visible on level 13 and higher. Is it because of caching or tile regeneration settings? Level 13 with forest: https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=wenzhou#map=13/27.8766/120.4281 Level 12 with no forest: https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=wenzhou#map=12/27.8587/120.4347 |
At time of writing the tile statcs for https://tile.openstreetmap.org/12/3417/1717.png/status is showing as
To me that seems a little old to be considered fresh. You could try manually marking them as dirty Thank you for the answer. I manually marked the tile as dirty and it indeed gets regenerated. But there are many tiles at different z levels. I shouldn't do it manually for all right?
(22 Nov '20, 21:45)
You shouldn't have to mark them all individually, I think it should notice that they're old when requested.
(23 Nov '20, 21:00)
I just saw this question pop up as a relative to another render question. It seems more relevant here.
(25 Nov '20, 20:40)