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Hello OSM-Team, thank you for your great service - it's awesome! I have a seemingly easy task, which I couldn't solve by simple research. I have an existing application running in test mode using your nominatim API. So far so good and working fine.

I would like to find a higher volume service which allows several requests per second (paid for no problem) by just exchanging the api-URL in my program code and no other changes whatsoever. Exchange URL -> Program works as before.

I.e.: "" exchanged by "" will keep my system running - just with higher volume usage possibilities.

I have checked your list of alternatives but haven't found guidance on that topic so far. Do you know any service which works the EXACT same way for requests which could allow me to proceed as described above? (I know I could use my own server installation, which seems a bit early and time consuming so far - unless there would be ready made installation packages for AWS or the like). If you had a hint where I can start digging without contacting all alternative providers - would be great.

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions or guidance and kind regards!


asked 21 Nov '20, 15:46

mfschueler's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

LocationIQ (, Forward & Reverse Geocoding @ RapidAPI ( or Geofabrik ( should all offer this without a problem.

You just change the Nominatim url to an url by the provider and add an apikey query param - or send that last one as an extra header.

(Note: the following urls won't work without an apikey)



For Reverse Geocoding it would be:


(I don't know about the URLs of Geofabrik, you would have to ask them).

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answered 21 Nov '20, 16:29

Spiekerooger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 21 Nov '20, 16:29

Wow - many thanks already for quick high quality help! Kind regards!

(21 Nov '20, 16:41) mfschueler


Ed here from OpenCage here. We offer a geocoding API based on open data including (but not only) OSM. Behind the scenes we use nominatim and many others (we also sponsor the development of nominatim, and are silver tier corporate members of the OSMF). We would love to work with you, as we do with many others. That said, we don't offer one to one URL replacement of the type it seems you want, mainly because we do a bit more than just nominatim. We have SDKs for 30+ programming languages, so I imagine a switch would not be particularly difficult. Though I say that without knowing your use case. Happy to chat if you think it useful.

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answered 21 Nov '20, 16:57

EdFreyfogle's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hello Ed, thank you for the information. For now I have to stay as lean as possible - like described above. Kind regards!

(22 Nov '20, 08:53) mfschueler

We provide geocoding api for forward and reverse geocoding. We are able to provide high volume with reduced prices contact us at if you require more information. Our service is available at Geokeo and our documentation is located at Geokeo Documentation. give it a try at our demo page where you can try our services without registration or api key - Geokeo Demo. Thank you Geokeo Team

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answered 01 Aug '21, 13:46

duttaarc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 21 Nov '20, 15:46

question was seen: 3,361 times

last updated: 01 Aug '21, 13:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum