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I work with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (GIS Unit) and would like to obtain a point of contact with OpenStreetMap. We would like to talk with someone about the data structure/schema and ways to enter NCDOT attribute data to the street center lines. We would like to make changes to the Primary (Interstate, US, and NC) and Secondary (SR's) route information to reflect what we have in our databases. I can explain further with the point of contact what we would like to do. Thank you, Philip Pollard (GIS Analyst)

asked 20 Nov '20, 19:57

ppollard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Most of the NC community is part of the OSMUS Slack Group (join here: ). There's a channel for NC mappers there where we can discuss merging in the attributes from the state database in with the roads in OpenStreetMap.

permanent link

answered 20 Nov '20, 20:43

LeifRasmussen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Nov '20, 20:48


Thank for you help. I will be back in touch next week with more detailed information.

(20 Nov '20, 20:57) ppollard

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question asked: 20 Nov '20, 19:57

question was seen: 834 times

last updated: 20 Nov '20, 21:08

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