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I'm building a C++ desktop application feature where you can visualize 3D data and I'd like to import 3D buildings from some locations specified by the user into it.

I looked at this kind of request but I'd like to filter it so only buildings are left in the result. Is it possible ? Since I'd like to be dependence-free (except CURL), I want to download the data given an URL and parse the .osm file myself if you guys think this is doable.

Is there a better way to to achieve what I'm trying to do ?


asked 19 Nov '20, 16:47

Timo1111's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Your usage sounds to me like it would fall under the second paragraph of the When NOT to use the API section of that page.

I think the some of Overpass API instances have fewer restrictions. This would also allow you to request only the ways and relations that are either building or building:part and associated geometry.

permanent link

answered 19 Nov '20, 23:01

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

Sorry I'm late to answer, didn't have a PC this week-end.

I agree Overpass API seems more fitted for my needs but from what I saw I can't request buildings information only using an URL. Every request described in the documentation is using Overpass QL or Overpass XML language. Is there a REST API or should I put the OQL script in the body of a GET request ?

(23 Nov '20, 08:34) Timo1111

I'm not a developer myself, but the Overpass Turbo "export" options allow you to produce a "compact form" like this:

[out:xml][timeout:25];(nwr["building"](40.764472136395,-73.979962170124,40.766089194963,-73.976062238216);nwr["building:part"](40.764472136395,-73.979962170124,40.766089194963,-73.976062238216););out;>;out skel qt;

Which it then converts to a URL that looks like this:

Which I assume is the same but percent encoded?

(23 Nov '20, 23:49) InsertUser

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question asked: 19 Nov '20, 16:47

question was seen: 2,621 times

last updated: 23 Nov '20, 23:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum