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I'm mapping some local nordic trails following the guidelines for Piste Maps but I can't find conclusive info on how to mark certain trail signs. They're large numeric signs that are used as reference points for paper maps.

I realize that most folks using OSM data will be using a GPS device so they're somewhat redundant but they do offer clear waypoints if you're traveling the path.

Here's a couple examples:

Schweitzer resort nordic trails

Salt creek summit nordic trails

Do you think they'd work better as:

information=trail_blaze name=1

Which seems a little understated. There are numerous blue diamond blazes along all these routes.

information=route_marker name=1

This seems a little clearer.

information=guidepost name=1

This seems to be designated for more elaborate signage with detailed information on it.

Secondarily: would it be possible to get these to render on the maps? I looked at the details on Waymarked Trails about rendering OSMC symbols along a route. This seems popular in Europe but not so much in the states. This rendering convention would provide an easy way to render numeric indicators on the map if a node were tagged with it. e.g.

information=route_marker name=3 osmc:symbol=waycolor:blue:none:3:white

I'm not sure how to start the proposal process for something like that. Maybe I can email the owner of OpenSnowMap who seems to be doing a lot of the piste rendering work.

asked 16 Nov '20, 19:09

funwhilelost's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

To your first part:

Generally speaking for numbered/lettered points or routes, the ref tag is usually considered more appropriate than name. If the sign contains the reference for the junction, then the junction node should carry the ref tagged regardless of whether you decide to independently map the sign (as for roads carrying the name=* rather than the signpost). Some Norwegian mappers seem to be adding refs to nodes that are part of skiing routes but as some are marked as hiking=yes but not ski=yes these may have other purposes. This tagging doesn't appear to have spread much outside the region.

Named road junctions are common in some parts of the world, so it may be possible to co-opt that tagging here too. The system you describe reminds me of a Dutch/Belgian cycle network variant that has had dedicated tagging for quite a while now. As this type of tagging doesn't seem to be documented for ski routes it may be worth putting together a similar proposal if they're fairly common (or at least document what you decide on).

The guidepost tag is normally used for posts with multiple signs with arrows pointing in several directions at an intersection. From your description it sounds like each junction in a route will have a single unique reference so this doesn't sound like the right tag unless that sign also identifies which branch is which.

For what it's worth OpenSnowMap also seems to recommend the use of OSMC symbols although that seems to be for the route as a whole.

To your second part:

The WikiProject Piste Maps page on the wik suggest OpenSnowMap as a rendered slippy map and also links to OpenSkimap. I know OsmAnd also has a Ski Map plugin (legend), but I have never had cause to use either. All three of these projects are open source so if you establish some tagging and ask nicely on their GitHubs they might add this to their render.

permanent link

answered 17 Nov '20, 00:44

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%


Absolutely stellar answer. Thank you.

(17 Nov '20, 19:55) funwhilelost

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question asked: 16 Nov '20, 19:09

question was seen: 1,884 times

last updated: 17 Nov '20, 19:55

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