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I've been adding businesses on my morning commute to the map. I recently added a "bikini club" called Soft Tails. (This is in Volusia County, Florida, USA, site of two major motorcycle rallies every year, so the name is a pun.) I've added it as a bar, but I'm not sure if that's really the best designation for it.

Is there a tag for "adult" establishments so it can be differentiated from normal bars? Or should it be listed as something other than a bar?

This would also apply to certain types of theaters, video establishments, and massage parlors. I don't think we should leave them blank since they do exist, but it might be nice to separate them out so that a tourist doesn't go to someplace they don't want to go.

asked 13 Nov '20, 16:38

FredrikC's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If there's legal restriction, min_age=18 (how ever your local laws regulate) is possible. There's ~1k amenity=stripclub, 300 amenity=swingerclub to be specific for some.

*:for=adult would be ambiguous. With shop=erotic and books=erotic (and a peculiar 2 massage=erotic instances on shop=massage) being standard, a general theme=erotic may fit some of these. If paid sex service is offered, it should likely be a direct amenity=brothel (or perhaps at least brothel=yes if say optional or hidden inside).

For amenity=cinema, ~1k cinema:3D= outnumbers the ~40 cinema=. The 1 cinema=erotic may not be strong enough. For shop=video, video= is basically links to actual videos (the 5 poor style video:type= among other properly defined sub-keys, with 1 aforementioned ambiguous video:type=adult, is unconvincing).

permanent link

answered 13 Nov '20, 23:32

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 13 Nov '20, 23:55

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question asked: 13 Nov '20, 16:38

question was seen: 1,196 times

last updated: 13 Nov '20, 23:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum