I'm not sure I'm doing this correctly. I'm trying to get hold of the coastline of a specific little island using OsmSharp and an osm-map of Singapore (xml format).
So I looked into the xml file for these specific keys and values and I think I'm only extracting the necessary objects for completion. Yet, the process takes a really long time to complete. What is it doing that is taking so long? The above example seems to never complete, but even in other examples I try to extract a small amout of specific ways from the file, and it takes many minutes. Maybe there is something I don't understand here. Maybe I should better parse the xml file myself? Is there any OsmSharp forum? |
Also, try opening an issue on the OSMSharp Github at https://github.com/OsmSharp/core I would if I thought that there were something wrong. I have a feeling though that I have just misunderstood the whole thing. It's not stated anywhere that the processing should take such a long time. By the way I found out why the example above never finishes. I had forgotten to check that osmGeo.Tags is not null before checking what it contains. The error is probably swallowed later by the Cast command. The problem is really a lack of documentation. The best I have found so far is to look through the examples in the source code itself.
(13 Nov '20, 15:24)