Hi, I am trying to filter all the types of highways from my OSM file, the command I use does filter out highways but still keeps the nodes. I have attached an image of my output, I would like to remove those nodes. The commands I have used are,
I am new to osmfilter any help will be appreciated :) |
the osm file i use had custom key and pair values inputted, so osmosis would give me an error about nodes not having a version error, so i was not able to filter it with osmosis. solution i found was using osmfilter to remove what you want but it left it the nodes after dropping all highways. what i done was dropped the author and version of my osm file using osm filter
could add --drop-author but i done it on a seperate line at the time, created fake authors and version.
now this file was ready to use in osmosis, the command i used to drop the nodes that were left there in osmosis was:
note* if you get this error using osmosis just create version and author for the file on osmfilter Node -5625933 does not have a version attribute as OSM 0.6 are required to have. Is this a 0.5 file? credit to this links they came in handy https://groups.google.com/g/maperitive/c/iRz9u2RMTi8 https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmfilter#Drop_Author_Information_and_Version_Number
(13 Nov '20, 09:35)
it deletes the ways but not the nodes of those deleted ways