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"Privacy" link at the bottom of this website has worthless information at the time of writting. And is being blocked by web browser. Bit of wikipedia search reveals OSQA system is unmaintained.

I admit. I dont know anything about websites or coding, but I consider these to be red flags, so im concerned. Is "" safe to use?

Thank you.

asked 11 Nov '20, 23:14

LazyLeague's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please explain more precisely what kind of safety you are looking for. If your fear is that this whole web site is a scam then it is probably not much help if someone ON that web site tells you to trust it ;)

(12 Nov '20, 08:47) Frederik Ramm ♦

Hi, thank you for your fast reply. I dont think its a scam, osm wouldn't list it in help section if it was one. Its just the osqa system it runs on appears to be outdated, so it might have security holes. Do I have to worry my email and ip address will get leaked, because of it?

(12 Nov '20, 14:39) LazyLeague

Your email and IP address could certainly get leaked by OSQA or any other of the myriad pieces of software you might be logging in to with your account. I don't think that the fact that OSQA is not actively developed any more makes a huge difference here. If you are worried that somebody finds out that a certain question was asked from a certain IP, then use a VPN - no matter whether the system you post the question on is OSQA or anything else!

(12 Nov '20, 14:51) Frederik Ramm ♦

It should be noted that OSQA uses gravatars due to that the site does leak IP address and a hash of your e-mail to Automattic, see

(13 Nov '20, 13:59) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 11 Nov '20, 23:14

question was seen: 6,880 times

last updated: 16 Nov '20, 13:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum