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I don't know which is the correct way to tag the maximum height limit for vehicles using a highway, if the maxheight sign is on the bridge.

1 Do I tag the bridge?

maxheight=3.8 m

2 Do I tag the road below the bridge?

maxheight=3.8 m

This is a sample image of a bridge with a maxheight sign

There is also the tag maxheight:physical. Which to use?

asked 11 Nov '20, 06:09

mdelatorre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Nov '20, 06:11

You have to tag the road below. If necessary split the road in three pieces at the points where the road passes underneath the bridge. Then tag the piece underneath the bridge with the maxheight. In your case it looks like the road is not made as access to any other place except going forward. So it might be ok to tag the whole stretch of the road with the maxheight (assuming a truck with more than 3m would not use this road to go anywhere else than pass under the bridge).

Use maxheight. This is the main tag used by routers. maxheight:physicalcould be used if legal and physical maxheight differ.

permanent link

answered 11 Nov '20, 07:57

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thanks for your help!

(16 Nov '20, 04:04) mdelatorre

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question asked: 11 Nov '20, 06:09

question was seen: 1,472 times

last updated: 16 Nov '20, 04:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum