Inside the Trieste's airport lays the wreck of an aircraft (current tagging): how should this wreck be tagged? |
I can't see any reason why "historic" tags can only be attached to tourist attractions? At least in the UK, where I've looked at the correlation between historic and tourism in some detail, there are lots of "historic" things with "tourism" tags but also many without. The current tagging looks OK to me, but I'm not familiar with the area. Depending on what state it is in, taginfo suggests possibly "aircraft_wreck". According to wiki
(10 Nov '20, 13:57)
I wouldn't lean on the wiki too hard in cases like this; it's supposed to document how people map things not tell people how to map. From a common-sense point of view it is perfectly possible to be "historic" and not "tourism". We wouldn't need different tags if it wasn't.
(10 Nov '20, 14:02)
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