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basically the cookie got deleted. So I logged on (in umap) using my OSM log-on (as original choice) went to clicked "Create Map" and then substituted the target map URL

  • target map appears with editing icon

editing now continues.

asked 09 Nov '20, 10:33

Mr_Red's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Nov '20, 11:00

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

Sadly this doesn't work if you haven't logged on when you created the first map(s)! In my case I have the data, but as I found, locations can be hit and miss if you know the precise lat/long - not sure but will investigate, but suspect resolution/precision is at the route. Identifying something that is 3 cm needs some accuracy if you want people to find them.

If anyone has an answer on how to re-claim possession of a umap that was created without a log-on - post here. Otherwise I will create duplicates and just bulk-out OSM storage.

permanent link

answered 09 Nov '20, 11:02

Mr_Red's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You have two chances to re-claim possession.

  1. If you are lucky you still find the secret editing link in your browser history.
  2. If not you have to contact the maintainers of the umap instance you are using. For the popular French instance this seems to be futile, as I have very bad experience with first finding someone to contact and then getting any response.
permanent link

answered 09 Nov '20, 11:10

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

cookie definitely deleted. I did go back to the last history URL but nothing worked. But will try again. Otherwise - re-do & just add to the bulk.

But thanx 4 sharing your experience.

(15 Nov '20, 15:55) Mr_Red

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question asked: 09 Nov '20, 10:33

question was seen: 1,474 times

last updated: 15 Nov '20, 20:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum