OSRM routing through the road bend at https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/55.90674/12.30198 fails, and routes a longer route. See a correct route through the straight road segment and an incorrect long route avoiding the bend. Which feature blocks the correct routing? (The routing for car and bicycle, as well as Grashopper routing for car, bicycle and foot, works as expected) |
This seems to be an isolated problem for OSRM. As far as I can see there used to be a barrier in that path somewhere until a month ago, although I cannot make out what the original geometry looked like. Was that you removing it? I suspect for whatever reason OSRM foot routing is still having that barrier in its routing graph. A data glitch of some sorts. Maybe it gets sorted out by itself over time. Thank you. Yes, I removed the barrier and merged the road all the way down to the tunnel, to correspond to the actual state of the terrain and the permissions after visiting the actual site. Does anyone have an idea as to how often OSRM updates its database to match changes in OSM? Is there a way to get any feedback from OSRM?
(09 Nov '20, 10:42)
A few days usually. But since the change appears to have arrived in the car and bicycle routing I suspect it's not the data import but some other problem.
(09 Nov '20, 11:12)
I think I am seeing the same screenshot for both links.
@InsertUser: Thank you. Corrected link in question.