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I'd like to tag restaurants that have takeout windows and stores that allow you to purchase behind-the-counter items from a window facing outside. These places aren't kiosks or fast food stands, but regular walk-in stores or restaurants that also have a window through which they offer service. I couldn't find any tags like that on the map or on the wiki, does anyone know a tag that would fit? If there aren't yet, can i just "be bold" and start tagging, or should I make a proposal first?

asked 07 Nov '20, 12:20

Loop120's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Nov '20, 12:21


Mainly, there's takeaway=yes on the restaurant object itself. Nothing about the format. As a micro / bottom-up method, I personally have considered takeaway=only + access=customers + entrance=yes for the individual spots. Here entrance=yes sounds wrong for counters/windows.

(08 Nov '20, 07:34) Kovoschiz

I know of tagging for a subset of this:

(08 Nov '20, 15:07) InsertUser

If this window is primarily for vehicle use, then drive_through=yes is the correct tag -- but I think you're describing walk-up windows. And as far as I can tell there's no popular tag for them, so I'd say "be bold!"

That doesn't mean that you can't also discuss this issue on the tagging mailing list and submit a formal proposal there.

A few tagging possibilities that occur offhand:

  • takeaway:window=yes - not currently in use, but there is some use of both of the takeaway:*=yes and *:window=yes tagging forms
  • takeaway:type=window - not currently in use but consistent with other *:type=* tagging forms, could possibly get complicated if someplace has a takeout window but also an indoor takeout counter
  • walkup_window=yes - very rarely used (2 instances worldwide), does not use the word "takeaway" which might be good, because to my ear "takeaway" implies food and your question mentions both restaurants and shops
permanent link

answered 08 Nov '20, 17:46

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%


It's generally a good idea to run new tags pas the tagging mailing list, they will probably be able to predict if there's a conflict with anything else that's growing in popularity.

(08 Nov '20, 21:31) InsertUser

*:type=* is a bad format. For other features, I'm reminded of amenity=reception_desk for the counter/window/desk element.

(09 Nov '20, 08:59) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 07 Nov '20, 12:20

question was seen: 1,226 times

last updated: 09 Nov '20, 09:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum